Sunday, July 6, 2008

Karambunai Panorama

Karambunai is one of the most beautiful places on earth. It is a small
peninsula inside a lagoon. This makes the water in the lagoon so calm
and yet full of life.

The beach facing the South China sea is exposed so the waves tend to
be big.

Situated at about 15km from the nearest Mega Mall of the recently
opened 1borneo, it is very remote which made it attractive for people
who want privacy and complete tranquillity.

The cheaper rooms at the Ocean Wing, are not easy to book during
weekends, so we checked in on Friday immediately after my children had
gone home from school.

I had just completed the stitching of panoramic pictures of the beach
at the hotel and at the lagoon and uploaded to

I've updated my panoramic pictures by using exposure adjustment
provided by enfuse for the whole picture and patched some missing
portions. I had even reconstructed half of a volleyball court.

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