Saturday, February 17, 2007

The best beach in the world

Kelambu beach is truly the best beach in the world.

However it is little appreciated by locals. It is due to the fact that Sabah used to have much finer beaches than this one.

Most early residents in Sabah, i.e. my ancestors build houses on sheltered beaches. Yes, they were beaches, and not just on the sand, but on the watery part of the beaches.

They had chosen the best locations in Sabah. Kelambu beach is not even well regarded by locals but it is now the only remaining good beach in Sabah. Other beaches are located at remote islands.

This Kelambu beach is unique in that it has an island right in front of it, and we can walk towards it safely. It also meant that there are two bays with fine beaches on both sides of the island. Yes, they are bays, instead of just a straight beach.

The best part of all, is that it is totally uninhabited.

I say a similar beach in Sri Lanka with a house on top of the Island. It was featured in an article in Reader's Digest, Asian Edition.

I also say an Indian film, where the actor and actresses dance on the beach next to an island, and noting how beautiful it was. Suddenly I met this Kelambu beach and noted how unique and beautiful it really is. I don't have the desire or time to swim at this beach. Nor was my family. Maybe it is sufficient for us to savour its beauty. These beaches are meant for viewing, not to be spoiled with swimming.

The million dollar question is how long it will last. With all reclaimation works being done all over the beaches in Sabah, it is only a matter of time before it will be filled up.

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